DEV BLOG 08.10.22

Hey there everyone! It’s been over a month now since I’ve updated this blog and honestly, I can’t believe that much time has already passed.

The game released to an incredibly surprising debut - reaching #4 on the Apple puzzle charts for that weekend and I am incredibly grateful for that. Definitely didn’t see that coming!

Since launch, it’s just been an insane ride listening to feedback and continuously just trying to make the game better and better. Matter of fact, I’m still doing so now. After hearing everyone’s notes on the game - I’ve made the insane decision to go ahead and completely re-work the core game loop. I going to hone in on the puzzle aspect while also highlighting the enemy robot aspect as well - giving them both the dedication they deserve.

It’s going to be another long month ahead but I’m hoping to have this next major update released sometime before the end of the month. Wish me luck!

TinTin V