DEV BLOG 06.24.22

First off, I have to acknowledge that today is a dark day in American History and that I stand with ALL women, non-binary & trans folk who’s right to bodily autonomy has been tarnished today. I am here and will continue to fight with all of you until you are truly free to choose whatever you need for your own bodies. <3


Hello there! Welcome to my first official dev blog for THE KWANSTONE PROJECT!

These last two years have truly been a wild ride but I have a feeling that the madness is just getting started.

As of right now, the game has been submitted to Google for approval and will I’m working on the Apple submission as we speak so fingers crossed that we’ll have a full release within the next few days!

In the mean time, today is all about updating this website and keeping all the social channels in line with one another. Should I start a tiktok…? What sort of content am I going to make? These are the thoughts swirling in my head right now but either way, I’m excited to finally be able to share this work with you all!

TinTin V