DEV BLOG 06.25.22
To say today that today and by extension this past week, has been challenging - would be an understatement.
I have now gone through THREE separate Mac books to try and export the game onto the Apple App Store and each time, a new obstacle arose. Either the Mac book was too old or most recently - so new that the version of GameMaker I was running on was no longer viable anymore.
So as of yesterday, I was sort of forced to upgrade my engine to the most recent iteration - which is 2 years newer than what I had built the game in, convert the full game over to said newer version (which was also incredibly exhausting, btw) and now I am once again playtesting the full thing.
A lot shifts around in two years worth of engine updates so there are various things in the game that are no longer operating as intended for some reason such as lingering particles and scripts.
My goal was to be able to finalize the conversion and testing earlier today so that I could FINALLY submit to the App Store but it looks like Iām in for another long, long night.